Word of the Left

Insomniac commentary on current issues and Marxist theory with a Maoist spin.

Theory of Police Necessity

Lately I've been pondering this. Are cops really necessary in society? I've come to this conclusion. Cops are necessary in the current system we have where there are social classes and there is an enormous inequality of wealth. In a system where people can't afford to pay their rent, can barely afford food and clothing, and in which everyday is a struggle will definatly need cops because that system is a breeding ground for theft and robbery. In a system where wealth is non-exsistant in the sense that no one has more wealth than another person, and where pretty much everything you needis accessable to all, theft would be pointless, especially since the only person you're stealing from is the people you work with. The Paris Commune is a good example of how crime disapeared. The Paris Commune was a socialist state in Paris during the mid 1800s. Although it lasted only several months, it was the perfect example of Marx's 'dictatorship of the proletariat.' All officials were elected through universal sufferage and were recallable at any moment. Worker's rights increased drastically, and most importantly, (at least in reference to this blog entry) there were no cops and there was no crime.

The only thing left out is violent crimes. Violent crimes just happen and some sort of police force will always be neccessary to deal with them, but I believe that they are greatly encouraged in the capitalist system. Why? Well, the answer is complex. In inner-city ghettos, where there is the most murder and shootings take place, residents are usually impoverished and the result is that a very violent atmosphere is created because of the struggle to move up the social ladder. Gangs often form and with those gangs rivalries form. As those rivalries heat up, shootings and murder occur. Now of course not all murder happens as a result of gangs, but a good part does.

Another reason was described to me by a friend I know who used to work in a 'juvenile hall.' She explained to me that often, many people that murder others have commited smaller crimes before. Basically jail, creates a violent atmosphere and has been proven not to work, but to make matters worse. It should only be reserved for the worst criminals.

In sum, the point I was trying to get at in this entry is that capitalism and it's institutions are a major reason why there is crime and why there is a need for often oppressive police. In a system where alot of the problems of capitalism are solved naturally, such things will not really be necessary.

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