Word of the Left

Insomniac commentary on current issues and Marxist theory with a Maoist spin.

The Creepiest Movie Ever!

I was bored as hell this afternoon and felt like seeing a movie, so I looked in the paper to see what was playing. There were several movies which I was interested in, however the movie that caught my eye and intrigued me the most was Jesus Camp. Jesus Camp is a real life story about a camp which is run somewhere in North Dakota by a pastor who indoctrinates and brainwashes children into following a fundamentalist christian religion which claims George W. Bush was chosen by god to lead this country and that this generation will be "the soldiers of god" and "will win back America" for christians. The controversial movie depicts children of all ages who are often homeschooled doing things like holding pro-life vigils with their pastors and dancing to 'Christian' heavy metal.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked into the movie, but when I walked out, I felt like puking. I still can't believe that people are actually that brainwashed, and that adults can be so sick as to force their perverted views upon their children. A movie of this stature obviously isn't playing in most theaters, and in fact there is only one theater playing it where I live, here in New York City. If you do by chance, live near a theater that is play this movie than I reccomend you see it, as it is a really shocking movie.

4 Responses to “The Creepiest Movie Ever!”

  1. # Blogger Frank Partisan

    I returned the favor, and linked back to you.

    You must go to the video store, and see SAVED with Mandy Moore. That compliments Jesus Camp.  

  2. # Blogger LeftyHenry

    lol yeah I've seen parts of that movie but yeah I think I'll check it out. Oh and thanks for the link  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey, guess what? You know the preist in the movie who tells the redneck kid to "do your cute little kid thing" reisnged as President of the National Evangelical Association yesterday! The reason: he supposedly had a homosexual affair with a prostitute, and also apparently snorted some crystal meth to enhance the experience.Pretty weird, wouldn't you say?  

  4. # Blogger troutsky

    Yeah pretty wierd! Big understatement.Whatwas up with the dance in camoflauge and spears? And that biblical pledge of allegiance? Heeeelp!  

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