As a Bolshevik-Leninist, or Trotskyist, I disagree with Stalin and Mao's political policies and think that they were not adherent to true communism and socialism. However, I do think that what Stalin and Mao did economically was incredible and without them both Russia and China would still be backwards worse-than-third-world countries. Here is a post that was directed at on a political forum I am part of, and here is my response.
Originally Posted by TurtleDude on
Psychobabble. THe killing fields-1.5 million by a COMMUNIST
Pol-Pot was not a communist or a socialist. Pol-Pot disowned communists all over and was eventually ousted by communists. He may have called himself communist but so what? Were the crusaders who raped woman and pillaged villages Christians? He was a Red fascist and was never considered a communist by any movement besides his own. On another note, he was US backed and recieved much aid from Republicans and Democrats and the US also pushed for internatioal Aid to Pol Pot. Also it's funny that you even bring that up considering that almost a million people were slaughtered as a result of US bombing in Cambodia and many more in Vietnam.
MAO-20-40 Million BY A COMMUNIST
Can you provide a lnk for that outrageous claim? Have you ever studied China? If you did you would know that famines and floods are common in Chinese history. The GLF came during a famine and drought. Capitalists jumped on this and blamed it on Mao. It was not Mao's fault. If Jishi had been in power it would have been far worse, and it was only because of the collectivizism and equal rationing that many, many more didn't die. In 1986, 76,000 blacks died in the US because of lack of aquedate healthcare. If The US was as big as China it would be 300,000 people. If there were as many blacks as Chinese, it would be over 2 million (a year)!
Stalin-2-40 MILLION-by a COMMUNIST
Again Russia also has a history of Famine. Stalin had the same problems as Mao. It's very easy to crtitize Stalin except when you realize what history would be like without him. First, Stalin industrialized a country that was a 100 years backward in 10 years. Life expectency doubled, People had electricty in their homes, people had clothes, people had quality education and healthcare, people sanitation, and woman had equal rights thanks to the revolution. Most importantly, Russia now had basic infastructure and technology. When the Nazi war machine attacked Russia, the centrally planned economy was able to turn newly built tractor factories into tank factories and repel the Nazis. It was only because the Russians had the most tanks in the continent thanks to Stalin that the Soviets were able to repel to Nazis. If Russia had stayed under the Czar, Russia would have fallen in days for lack of infastructure and technology and considering that Russia was responsible for 75% of Nazi casualties according to historian James Bradely in his book Flags of our Fathers, the worldwould be a very different place today...
life expectancy didn't double for the millions upon millions killed.
Don't act like America is some angelic nation. While Stalin was purging fascists, we were imprisoning, repressing, and beating blacks. They were a subserviant people at that time. And look at the actrocities we've commited in the past against Native Americans and Blacks. Capitalism is responisble for slavery and the starvation of millions in exploited third world countries!
Communism is a disease and the sooner it is eradicated the better the world will be.
Capitalism is a disease which causes people to starve everyday despite the fact that there is food on the shelves. It lets people die on the streets like stray animals and puts people in the third world in terrible gulag-sweatshops where they are slaves. Capitalism is responsible for everything bad system wise and until it is defeated, our world will be plagued by nationalist wars, poverty, starvation, widespread diesease, crime, and other horrors which exsist.
great post comrade!!!
really a good one
my opinion though both mao and stalin were more or less imperilists in a red cloak
"Don't act like America is some angelic nation. While Stalin was purging fascists, we were imprisoning, repressing, and beating blacks. They were a subserviant people at that time. And look at the actrocities we've commited in the past against Native Americans and Blacks. Capitalism is responisble for slavery and the starvation of millions in exploited third world countries!"
True, Americans were oppressing minorities. But America was not rounding them up, transporting them to desolate, barren hellholes, and systematically bumping them off! Besides, Jim Crow was child's play compared with South African apartheid. The Indian Wars, while tragic, are likewise minute compared with the Holocaust, Crusades, or other mishaps. I honestly feel that the US has never committed a very major crime yet, in part because it hasn't had as much time to commit one as other nations have had. Eventually, I think the US will seriously mess up and commit some huge tragedy, but not yet.
no america prefered to focus the main part of its brutality outside of its borders, most notably in latin america (or maybe I have just read more about that than other incidences)
Either way it has quite enough blood on its hands to happily compete