Word of the Left

Insomniac commentary on current issues and Marxist theory with a Maoist spin.


Religion is a very controversial issue and the only one where people will ignore fact. I'm an atheist. I've been an atheist for a few years after I realized how corrupt and idiotic christianity was. I realized that all things in life on this earth happen because of logic, and when you try to applylogic to religion you get nothing because relgion isn't logical. Recently in current events relgion has influenced people's stances on issues such as gay marriage. Gay marriage is such a stupid issue because of all the things you could be worrying about, you have to muddle your way into love and yell that god says it's wrong. It's completly upsurd. In short religion has no solid ground to base itself on and is just a place for man to dump all his wrong doings on. I think that if man learned to except the truth and work for a better future for the sake of the people as opposed to god, the world would be a much more diligent and honest place.

1 Responses to “Religion”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Look Lefty you may be right that there is no scientific evidence in support of any religion but religion can still comfort people going through emotion crisises, and other events in there lives which the logic of science can not help them emotionaly recover from.  

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