Word of the Left

Insomniac commentary on current issues and Marxist theory with a Maoist spin.

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Word of the Left: Who I am, what I am

Hi, my name is Henry. I'm an Maoist. I believe in the works of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels. I believe that a communist system is free will and will end poverty and create eqaulity for all. It'll treat people like people not animals and leave them on the streets to die as capitalism does. Many people tell me that communism was a nightmare in eastern europe and I completely agree with them. My ideology is ultra democratic and the government would completely respect your bill of rights. Communists have learned from the mistakes of the 20th century and now aim to change the horrors and create a perfect society with the end product of unity, peace, and selflessness.

The Word of the Left is meant to be a place where I give my opinion on current events, political theory, history, and pop-culture from an marxist's perspective.

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