Word of the Left

Insomniac commentary on current issues and Marxist theory with a Maoist spin.

Graffiti in the Subway

There was an Article in a freebee New York newspaper I read daily about the MTA cracking down on graffiti 'vandals' by spying on our every move. Personally I think this is laughable, but the MTA is dead serious. They're willing to put security cameras in every train. Let's think about why this is idiotic. First, the cost to buy cameras, maintain them, and keep the entire database needed running will cost taxpayers a fortune and most likely a fare hike from the already expensive fare. I think in times like these where millions upon millions are don't have healthcare service and millions are in poverty the money that would go to funding a security camera program could be used in many other useful ways like giving it to the poor, or even flushing it down the toilet. Secondly, What's wrong with the graffiti? Does it burn people's flesh away? Does itharm anyone? No it doesn't. it's just an artisic rebel expression that is done in the first place because it is illegal. If you legalize graffiti few will do graffiti because the evil government approves of it, and ones who do it will do beautiful murals that no one in there right mind could criticize.

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