Word of the Left

Insomniac commentary on current issues and Marxist theory with a Maoist spin.

Obrador's attempt at bringing justice to Mexico

Mexico has long been a place where elections are fraudulant, ballot boxes have been stuffed, and legitimate votes stolen. For 75 years one party was in power. Now Mexico again faces a struggle in democracy which should come as no suprise. Obrador, a candidate of the Democratic Revolution Party has been holding a month-long demonstration for a full recount of an election decided by a almost non-exisistant margin. Obrador and his party are the first to offer a solution to mexico's real problems like poverty and corruption and the two other major parties, PAN and the PRI, have been determined to stop him from getting into power. PAN, a right-wing party, even went so far as to pull it's candidate in a governoral race in order to help the PRI, a centerist party, have a shot at winning. The electoral tribune in Mexico decided to do a 'partial recount' of a mere 9% of the votes which reveiled massive systematic failure (http://www.narconews.com/Issue42/article2010.html). Tommorow the electoral tribunal council has a constitutional deadline to decide wheither or not the election was valid and they are expected to say it is. It will be a sad day for democracy and Mexico.

2 Responses to “Obrador's attempt at bringing justice to Mexico”

  1. # Blogger MC Fanon

    I hope that Obrador does indeed win. However, I would hate to see Mexico torn in two via revolution if he loses (which may be the case).

    Elections are funny things because without a solid way of combatting corruption, they're bound to be unfair.

    Good post.


  2. # Blogger MC Fanon

    Obrador lost, unfortunately. Will this plunge Mexico into chaos in the future? Time will tell. Unfortunately though the Mexican people are going to be stuck for a time with another Vincente Fox.  

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