There was an Article in a freebee New York newspaper I read daily about the MTA cracking down on graffiti 'vandals' by spying on our every move. Personally I think this is laughable, but the MTA is dead serious. They're willing to put security cameras in every train. Let's think about why this is idiotic. First, the cost to buy cameras, maintain them, and keep the entire database needed running will cost taxpayers a fortune and most likely a fare hike from the already expensive fare. I think in times like these where millions upon millions are don't have healthcare service and millions are in poverty the money that would go to funding a security camera program could be used in many other useful ways like giving it to the poor, or even flushing it down the toilet. Secondly, What's wrong with the graffiti? Does it burn people's flesh away? Does itharm anyone? No it doesn't. it's just an artisic rebel expression that is done in the first place because it is illegal. If you legalize graffiti few will do graffiti because the evil government approves of it, and ones who do it will do beautiful murals that no one in there right mind could criticize.
S.C. Girl Protests Confederate Apparel Ban
0 Comments Published by LeftyHenry on Monday at 10:09 PM.
The south is perhaps one of the most distinquished regions in the US. It was the heart of Slavery some 150 years ago and that spirit still lives on. One girl named Candice Hardwick marched too school today complaining about the fact that her school banned confederate clothing. She claims she wants to pay tribute to her ancestors who died fighting. Let's get one thing straight. There are plenty of ways you can do that without wearing a flag that symbolizes rascism and slavery. Wearing a confederate flag is like wearing a swatisika. That's all there is to it. The part that annoys me the most though is that an African-American by the name of H.K. Edgerton marched with her. Doesn't he understand that he's marching for slavery? I'll tell you one thing, the south may have a long distinquished history, but it's always been the most messed up place in America which says quite alot.
Hi, my name is Henry. I'm an Maoist. I believe in the works of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels. I believe that a communist system is free will and will end poverty and create eqaulity for all. It'll treat people like people not animals and leave them on the streets to die as capitalism does. Many people tell me that communism was a nightmare in eastern europe and I completely agree with them. My ideology is ultra democratic and the government would completely respect your bill of rights. Communists have learned from the mistakes of the 20th century and now aim to change the horrors and create a perfect society with the end product of unity, peace, and selflessness.
The Word of the Left is meant to be a place where I give my opinion on current events, political theory, history, and pop-culture from an marxist's perspective.